Vitals & Bed Monitoring

Caspar's contactless vitals & bed monitoring solution provides AI-driven insights about respiration & heart rates, patient sleep quality, restlessness, and pressure injury scores.

Senior lady reading in bed
Mobile Hero Image for Vitals Bed

Healthier Patients, Better Bottom Line

Increases Reimbursements

Detailed AI-driven reporting fulfills requirements for insurance reimbursement.

Decreases Hospitalizations

AI-powered monitoring provides crucial information to care staff, allowing for early escalation of possible health issues.

Improves Satisfaction Scores

Optimized care leads to improved patient health outcomes.

What's Included

  • Respiration & Heart Rate Trends  
  • Health Insights (like medication side effects)
  • Pressure Injury Score
  • Restlessness Score
  • Bed Activity Insights
  • Sleep Quality Analysis

Turnkey Implementation

Contactless Vitals Monitoring - Bed Sensors

Simple Sensor Package

Receive sensors for the bedroom to effectively monitor vitals and bed activity.

Professional installing sensor

Professional Install Support

Enjoy a turn-key experience with personal setup by our expert support staff.

Remote Patient Monitoring

Seamless Data Integration

Get started seamlessly with access to health scores via desktop and mobile apps.

Let's talk about your goals

Your monitoring team gets relevant alerts, reducing alert fatigue while optimizing patient care. 

Option to add-on additional AI-driven contactless monitoring solutions if desired.

Caspar AI solution is intended to provide recommendations only to the staff so that they independently review the basis of such recommendations. It is not the intent that staff rely primarily on any such recommendations to make a clinical diagnosis or treatment decision regarding an individual patient. This is considered clinical decision support software(FDA, Sep 2022) that analyzes and displays health & wellness information about a patient.


The ambient devices are not a replacement for ECG/EKG and not a substitute for the clinician’s judgment. Not designed for hospital or ICU settings. Caspar AI uses a variety of devices that are fully compliant with FCC, CE & UL standards as applicable.