AI Alerts for Bed Exits: Protecting Patients and Boosting Revenue

Falls due to unassisted bed exits are the #1 source of hospitalizations in skilled nursing facilities. Caspar AI is aiming to mitigate the risk of patient injury and keep facilities running smoothly. Caspar’s bed exit alerts can:
- Detect more than 92% of bed exits for fall prevention
- Help save facilities up to $300 in lost revenue per day
A Hawaii-based facility is focused on reducing the number of unsupervised bed exits in order to improve patient safety, avoid expensive hospitalizations, and increase occupancy. Unsupervised bed exits can lead to:
- Falls resulting in patient injuries
- Patient hospitalizations that may cost the facility up to $300 of lost revenue per day
- Patient transfers by loved ones to alternative care facilities due to concerns about safety
Caspar’s advanced AI platform leverages contactless radar sensors to deliver continuous patient monitoring. Our AI analyzes each patient’s unique behavioral patterns in conjunction with patient profiles and environmental factors to identify deviations from the norm. It then generates highly accurate exit predictions and timely alerts.
Caspar ran an in-facility trial for 90 days representing over 2,000 days with patients, showing a high level of efficacy for bed exit alerts and incidence reports. Over 92% of the alerts indicated attempted unassisted bed exits.
- Decreased Hospital Admissions: With Caspar AI alerts, care teams receive immediate notifications of unassisted bed exits, enabling swift intervention and preventing potential falls.
- Increased Revenue: By significantly reducing hospitalizations and improving patient care, Caspar increases occupancy rates and helps facilities avoid lost revenue.
- Reduced Alert Fatigue: Caspar’s AI delivers intelligent alerts for each individual patient, minimizing false alarms and helping reduce sources of burnout.